
The Lovers

I judged you greatly when you switched jobs over and over again, dragging your family, dragging my energy through mud and telephone wires, it confused the hell out of me why you simply didn’t land. Now I see you as brave, you had the cajones to get out of positions that didn’t feel right to…


10 of Cups

This card to me is not about family and kids and getting all that you desire, but rather, that hard, uncomfortable and beautiful skill of Radical Acceptance. Of bringing who you are to the party and drinking from the well, nourishing yourself with the many gifts of joy that present themselves throughout the day. Now…


8 of cups

A beautiful invitation for me this morning as I have a hang over from joy and beauty. I woke up this morning feeling hungover from my joyful, full day yesterday, I experienced connection, laughter, good food and good friends…it was juicy and bold and beautiful. And today I feel nervous, a hungover nagging feeling that…


The Hanged One

The Hanged One I woke up today and said clearly, 3 times, My brother doesn’t like me, My brother doesn’t like me, My brother doesn’t like me. Forget the rationalization and the adjustments and the never ending feeling of the feelings. He wrote me a mean, unfair thing, a wholly complicated thing steeped in patterns…


The Emperor

For my people, who encourage and model for me the sacredness of receiving, being, stretching and growing The Emperor Where would I be without you all? Dead that’s where. Or hobbled together with sticks and twigs of bitterness and small explanations. It has felt so lovely to be known, to be cared for. When I…


Two of Pentacles

They won, we won, what does it mean to lose? I was awoken at 3am by a small child who peed his bed, sheets shucked off, corners tucked, fresh jammies placed on a crying body. “I’m sorry,” he whimpers and calls for his Daddy. “It’s ok,” we say in whispers, “it’s ok, but be quiet…